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- COLLIER, Peter Anthony Dale; HOROWITZ, David Joel. Deconstructing the left: from Vietnam to the Clinton Era.
- COLLIER, Peter Anthony Dale; HOROWITZ, David Joel. The anti-Chomsky reader.
- COLLIER, Peter Anthony Dale; HOROWITZ, David Joel. The Fords: an american epic.
- COLLIER, Peter Anthony Dale; HOROWITZ, David Joel. The heterodoxy handbook: how to survive the PC Campus.
- COLLIER, Peter Anthony Dale; HOROWITZ, David Joel. The race card: white guilt, black resentment, and the assault on truth and justice.
- COLLIER, Peter Anthony Dale; HOROWITZ, David Joel. The Rockefellers: an american dynasty.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. A arte da guerra politica.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. A cracking of the heart.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel (Org.). A economia moderna e o marxismo.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Barack Obama's rules for revolution: the Alinsk model.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Big agenda: President Trump's plan to save America.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Empire and revolution: a radical interpretation of contemporary History.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Hating whitey: and other progressive causes.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. How to beat the Democrats: and other subversive ideas.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Indoctrination U: the left's war against academic freedom.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Left illusions: an intellectual odyssey.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Marx and modern economics.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. O filho radical.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Progressive racism.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Radicals: portraits of a destructive passion.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Reforming our universities: the campaign for an academic bill of rights.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Revolução e repressão.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Take no prisoners: the batle plan for defeating the left.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. The art of political war: and other radical pursuits.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. The black book of the american left: the collected conservative writings of David Horowitz.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. The free world Colossus: a critique of american foreign policy in the Cold War.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. The politics of bad faith: the radical assault on America's future.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. The professors: the 101 most dangerous academics in America.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Uncivil wars: the controversy over reparations for slavery.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. Unholy alliance: radical islam and the american left.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel. You're going to be dead one day: a love story.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel; JOHNSON, Ben. Party of defeat: how democrats and radicals undermined America's war on terror before and after 9-11.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel; LAKSIN, Jacob. One-Party classroom: how radical professors at America's top colleges indoctrinate students and undermine our democracy.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel; LAKSIN, Jacob. The new Leviathan: how the left-wing money machine shapes american politics and threatens America's future.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel; PERAZZO, John. The shadow party and the shadow government: George Soros and the effort to radically change America.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel; POE, Richard. The Shadow Party: how George Soros, Hillary Clinton, and sixties radicals seized control of the Democratic Party.
- HOROWITZ, David Joel; SHILLING, Dana. The fight back: guide to hospital care.